FXTM’s “It’s Time!” social media competition – Pakistani wins

FXTM announced the winner of its social media competition. The winner is Husnain Akram from Pakistan.

All the details are in the press release below:

The winner of the international social media competition run by Forex Time (FXTM) has been announced, with Pakistan’s Husnain Akram taking the coveted prize. The “It’s Time” competition has been running for the past three months and has successfully showcased the international reach of FXTM’s clients in celebration of the company’s rapid expansion to new markets.

Entrants were encouraged to submit a photo of themselves in front of a local landmark or place of interest that represents their location or culture, while holding a sign featuring the words “It’s Time”. All of the photos were displayed on Forex Time’s Facebook page with the winner awarded based on “likes” for the most popular photo.

Entries were received from far and wide, including Canada, USA, France, UAE, Poland, Russia, Australia, Pakistan, Vietnam, China, Lebanon, Greece, Italy, Czech Republic, Germany, Portugal and many more. Husnain Akram’s winning entry was a photo taken in front of Eden Housing Avenue, in Pakistan’s famous city of gardens, Lahore. Mr Akram will receive a high quality digital camera as his prize so that he can continue to take interesting and beautiful photos.

On being informed he was the winner, Mr Akram said he was very proud to represent Pakistan: “I am so happy to be the winner of this competition where the whole world was participating. This was really an awesome surprise for me! Thank you so much Forex Time.”

George Stylianou, CMO of Forex Time, said: “I congratulate Mr Akram on submitting the winning photo and also to all of our entrants who participated from all four corners of the globe. We are proud to see so many people in the Forex Time community from such a diverse variety of countries, and this has also been a good opportunity to develop a better understanding of all of the local cultures that make up the trading community. This social media competition is just one of many initiatives that Forex Time is organizing as part of the company’s commitment to providing outstanding trading services. Organizing competitions and initiatives whereby traders are brought together is part of a wider strategy to foster a supporting trading community.”

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