EUR/USD Candle Breakout Update

Guest post by Jason Madison, independent trader and founder of

Hello Everyone,

I hope the forex markets have been treating you as well as they have been treating me and I hope you all have been using that technique I showed you to make lots of pips.

Today we are going to take a look at what happened with the eur/usd breakout I told you to watch out for in my previous post

In case you missed it here is the chart I showed you guys last time:

I told you to watch for a candle to close outside the yellow lines and then open up a trade in the direction of the break.

Now let’s see what happened:

This was a huge breakout that hopefully you guys traded and made some money on this breakout. This pair moved down hard as the price fell for about 500 pips before it pulled back. I chickened out and only grabbed about 300 off of this trade. Did any of you guys do better? Let me know how much you made in a comment below.

This trade is an excellent example of the power of this technique and I really hope you guys try this out and use it to make some pips. I have already gotten feedback from some of you telling me how this technique has made your trading simpler and way more profitable, but I’m not going to stop until I hear from all of you.

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