You’re Married?… Not When You’re Trading You Aren’t

Guest post from

Being able to trade and make a living from your own home has many benefits. You avoid commuting, you can set your own hours , and you can work in your pajamas just to  name a few. However there is one great drawback to working from home. A force that threatens to derail your attempts at financial independence and send you back to 9-5 world. And the name of this debilitating force, this scourge of traders is… Distraction

You see when you work from an office there really isn’t much to distract you. There is no couch calling to you telling you to come relax. There is no television begging you to watch it. No children running around or a spouse asking for help with something. However, all of those things and more are in your home just waiting for an opportunity to distract you from what you should be doing and that’s trading. So, with all of these distractions how are you ever supposed to get any trading done? The key is to set boundaries.

You have to create a work friendly environment and that means setting a time and place for your trading. You need to decide on hours when you are going to trade and let the people in your home know that during that time they should  act as if you aren’t in the house unless it is an emergency . This might be hard for them at first but if you stick to it and are firm in the beginning they will get used to it. In addition to setting boundaries with others you also need to set a workspace and tell yourself that when you are working this is your office and to act as if your home is not right outside your doors .That means no leaving, your office to get a snack or to do anything else other than use the bathroom because if you were working a job you wouldn’t be able to just leave and go home when ever you wanted to so you shouldn’t do it now. If you feel like you may want a snack bring it with you when you start trading, because once you enter you trading space there is no leaving until your job is done. This may seem a little harsh but trust me your bank account will thank you.

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