Saad Hariri Visits Teheran – Tries Stopping Iranian Takeover

Lebanese prime minister Saed Hariri, son of murdered former PM Rafik Hariri, is visiting Teheran in an attempt to stop the Iran from taking over Lebanon with Hezbollah, once the tribunal submits the indictments against senior Hezbollah militants.

Saed Hariri is spending to days in Teheran, the meeting also with president Ahmadinejad, but his chances are slim. Hezbollah, backed by Iran, has the strongest, most trained and best-equipped army in Lebanon and can easily take over the country.

With US president Obama busy with the Korean tensions and the Wikileaks massive publication of cable transfers, and French president Sarkozy busy with the European debt issues, a Hezbollah-Syrian-Iranian move on Lebanon is likely to remain unanswered.

The big question remains if the takeover will spill over towards Israel. Such a move will turn an internal coup into a regional conflict, shaking the price of oil and currencies as well.

Here’s more about the Lebanese tensions.

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