Dollar Gains vs. Euro & Yen as Treasuries Yield Increases

The US dollar rose today against the euro and the Japanese yen as the increasing yield of the Treasuries raised the attractiveness of the dollar-priced assets. The dollar also strengthened as the reports showed that the US trade deficit narrowed and the unemployment claims decreased. The concerns that the European economy would struggle after the European Central Bank would remove stimulus drove the euro further down against the greenback. EUR/USD dropped from 1.3772 to 1.3692 as of 15:11 GMT today … “Dollar Gains vs. Euro & Yen as Treasuries Yield Increases”

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Who Said Most Forex Traders Lose?

The second part of the wide traders survey shows that only 27% lose. This is the total opposite of what we’ve seen in US brokers’ reports. Here are a few speculations about this figure and more interesting numbers. See the first part of the forex traders survey, showing the reasons to trade, popular currencies and … “Who Said Most Forex Traders Lose?”

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Swiss Franc Posts Gains vs. Euro, Losses vs. Dollar

The Swiss franc strengthened versus the euro on the renewed concerns for the European economy, threatened by the budget deficits of the peripheral economies. The franc fell against the US dollar after the reports showed the consumer confidence in Switzerland decreased. The yield on the Irish 10-year bond compared to the German bunds increased to the record 5.54 percentage points. The spread between the Portuguese and the German bonds rose 13 basis points to the record 4.52 percent. It looks like the European debt … “Swiss Franc Posts Gains vs. Euro, Losses vs. Dollar”

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Canadian Dollar Falls vs. US Currency, Rises vs. Euro

The Canadian dollar dropped from parity with the US dollar after commodities, including crude oil, and the stocks fell, decreasing the appeal of the growth related currencies. The loonie gained versus the euro. The equities and the commodities fell after the US auctioned Treasuries. The yield on 10-year Treasuries increased 12 basis points to 2.67 percent. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index slipped 0.8 percent after it rose earlier 0.3 percent. December … “Canadian Dollar Falls vs. US Currency, Rises vs. Euro”

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Fundamental Overview – Market Movers Last Week – 11/08/2010

The U.S. Dollar lost considerable ground against all the major currencies last week, with the exception of the Japanese Yen which lost -1.2% against the Greenback. The U.S. Dollar’s decline was attributed primarily to the release of QE II, the new quantitative easing measures announced by the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank with the intention of … “Fundamental Overview – Market Movers Last Week – 11/08/2010”

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Carry Trade Makes South Africa’s Rand Stronger

The South African rand strengthened today against the US dollar on the speculation that the carry trade would persist, increasing the capital inflows in South Africa and bolstering the currency. Pravin Gordhan, South Africa’s Minister of Finance, said that the decision of the US Federal Reserve to keep the interest rates near zero would support the rand. The so-called carry trade, when the speculators borrow in the developed countries with the low interest rates to invest in the higher-yielding … “Carry Trade Makes South Africa’s Rand Stronger”

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Yuan Appreciates Ahead of G-20 Meeting

The Chinese yuan gained today on the speculation that the Chinese government would allow the currency to appreciate ahead of the Group of Twenty meeting. The People’s Bank of China increased the yuan’s reference rate by 0.17 percent to 6.6580 versus the US dollar today, the biggest gain in more than three weeks. This move allowed to appreciate not only the yuan, but also other riskier currencies. Such action may be performed because of the political … “Yuan Appreciates Ahead of G-20 Meeting”

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British Pound Gains vs. Euro, Drops vs. Dollar & Yen

The Great Britain pound gained versus the euro on the speculation that Ireland would fail to find means for decreasing its budget shortfall even though it discusses with the European Union the possible measures to do so. The pound dropped against the US dollar and the Japanese yen. Ireland attempts to negotiate with the EU the way to avoid the bailout, like the one provided for Greece, while the investors refrain from buying the Irish bonds. Angela … “British Pound Gains vs. Euro, Drops vs. Dollar & Yen”

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Loonie Falls vs. Greenback, Gains vs. Euro

The Canadian dollar slipped against its US counterpart as the declining stocks and commodities caused the speculation that the global economic recovery is losing its momentum. The currency strengthened against the euro. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index and the MSCI World Index fell 0.3 percent each today. Futures for crude oil, the main Canada’s export, dropped 0.4 percent to $86.53 per barrel, following the 1 percent decline earlier. The renewed … “Loonie Falls vs. Greenback, Gains vs. Euro”

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[Video] Unlucky Irish, Aussie Strength, Technical Levels and more

In the weekly interview on Forex TV, I spoke with Julie Sinha about weakness of EUR/USD, despite the dollar printing, the strength of the Aussie that might get another boost this week, technical levels of selected pairs, the main events this week and more. Enjoy! Last week was very intense, with QE2, many rate decisions … “[Video] Unlucky Irish, Aussie Strength, Technical Levels and more”

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