Spain Too Big To Bail?

While the focus is on Ireland, and there are insignificant talks about Portugal, they’re both relatively small in comparison with Spain, the Euro-zone’s fourth largest economy. Andy Jordan from the Wall Street Journal made a series of videos about the PIIGS countries. The video below discusses Spain’s issues – public and private debt, unemployment, housing … “Spain Too Big To Bail?”

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Australia Real Estate Bubble?

There are more and more reports that Australia is about to feel the burst of a housing bubble. An Australian treasury official warned of a bubble (via Forex Live). According to the multi-decade graph, Australian property prices jumped quickly, much faster than OECD countries. Mish writes about how the Australian have “partied out” – comparing … “Australia Real Estate Bubble?”

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Ireland Under Internal and External Pressure

The Irish cabinet meets today to discuss the 4 year, 15 billion euro cut in expenses, in order to show that the government is active and serious about cuts, before such plans are imposed by foreigners. After they sign it off today, it will be published on Tuesday. The IMF / EU delegation is “sitting” … “Ireland Under Internal and External Pressure”

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Ireland Rushes To Lay Budget Cuts Before IMF Does

The Irish government is fighting to remain independent, after there’s already lots of criticism that Ireland is “under foreign occupation” – the big EU / IMF convoy to Ireland makes many feel that that the government is no longer in control, and that people from the outside tell it what to do. The Irish cabinet will present a four … “Ireland Rushes To Lay Budget Cuts Before IMF Does”

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Interesting Week for Australian Dollar

This week was rather interesting for the Australian dollar as it gained versus some currencies and fell against others. Against some currencies the Aussie experienced volatile swings, yet managed to end the week not very far from where it started. The US dollar and the euro are the examples of the currencies against which the Aussie closed near opening level after some volatile moves. The Australian dollar was falling against … “Interesting Week for Australian Dollar”

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Less Shorts Against the Dollar This Week

The CFTC reports that speculators trim their net positions against the US dollar – around 15 billion from nearly 22 billion last week. Looking deeper, most short positions were moved from the Euro, as the Irish crisis was in the headlines throughout the week. But positions were trimmed in other currencies as well. Read more … “Less Shorts Against the Dollar This Week”

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Canadian Dollar Rises vs. Greenback, Falls vs. Euro

The Canadian dollar fell today against the euro on the concern that China is going to slow its economic growth in order to battle the rising inflation. The Canadian currency fell also versus the US dollar but rebounded later. The speculation that the China would perform the measures to cut the inflation and prevent the asset-bubble hurt the stocks and commodities markets. The MSCI World Index of equities in developed nations fluctuated, following the previous decline of 0.6 percent. … “Canadian Dollar Rises vs. Greenback, Falls vs. Euro”

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Irish Bailout Undermines Demand for Pound

The Great Britain pound fell today as the talks about the anticipated bailout for Ireland undermined the demand for the currency as the safer asset. The decline hasn’t erased yesterday gains as the sterling surged on the yesterday’s session too high and attempted to continue its rally today before falling. Brian Lenihan, Ireland’s Minister for Finance, said yesterday that the government would be glad to receive “substantial contingency capital funding”, which may reach “tens of billions” … “Irish Bailout Undermines Demand for Pound”

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[Video] Technical Outlook for EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY and lots

Andrew Chaveriat, a forex technical strategist for BNP Paribas, covers the current situation in EUR/USD. In an interview with Julie Sinha on Forex TV, he marks the next levels for a Euro recovery, the levels that support the pair and the time frames for those events. And there’s lots more: commodities, the correlation between 10 … “[Video] Technical Outlook for EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY and lots”

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New Zealand Dollar Falls as China May Curb Inflation

The New Zealand dollar fell today on the concerns that China may raise its interest rates to cool the economy and to slow the inflation. Some analysts predict that the Chinese inflation may jump to 3.8 percent in the fourth quarter of this year. Wen Jiabao, the Premier of China, voiced concern that the high inflation may hurt economy and gathered the cabinet meeting on this matter, leading to the speculation that the government would take measures … “New Zealand Dollar Falls as China May Curb Inflation”

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