Hosni Mubarak Left Egypt?

Rumor says that Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak fled the country. This is only a rumor, but it’s echoed in many places.

According to some birds on Twitter, Mubarak is in Bahrain flying away with his private jet.

US Ambassador met El Baradei today. Rumour Mubarak gone to Bahrain. Still not confirmed. #jan25 #c4news #feb01

The one million march in Al-Tahrir square, Cairo probably didn’t have this capacity, but it sent a clear message. Around 50,000 protesters continued from the square towards the presidential palace, where Mubarak sits, but the palace is heavily guarded.

Earlier today, one of the opposition leaders, Mohamed ElBaradei, gave an ultimatum to Mubarak – leave by Friday. Did Mubarak leave already? ElBaradei spoke in the central square, but there are many other opposition forces, such as the Muslim Brotherhood.

The US dollar is collapsing across the board. It might be related to optimism that the crisis will end with a safe transition of power to Omar Suleiman, his deputy, and later into a democracy. EUR/USD reached 1.38, GBP/USD is at 1.6150. The US dollar usually rises on fear, while it falls on optimism, also known as risk appetite.


  • Egyptian Opposition to Declare Liberated Zone
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