Ahmad Shafiq Office Under Siege in Cairo

The office of the Egyptian prime minister Ahmad Shafiq is under siege by protesters, demanding a regime change in Egypt. Shaifq holds this position only for a around 10 days, after president Hosni Mubarak sacked the previous government.

While the international media is already tired of reporting the demonstrations in Cairo’s Tahrir square, today saw one of the largest gatherings there. Tuesday and Friay seem to be busy days in the square. Vice president Omar Suleiman (or Soliman) told Egyptian TV that the regime will enable more freedom, and that there’s a timetable for Mubarak’s departure.

This joins the talk about Hosni Mubarak leaving to Baden Baden, in Germany. Der Spiegel reported that the Egyptian president will leave for medical care, and will retire from there. There’s no confirmation, but this idea is echoed by many media outlets.

In the meantime, the Egyptian crisis fades out from the world’s attention, and the price of oil falls.

More Egyptian news:

  • Rumor – Obama to Egyptian Army: Down With Mubarak – This rumor seems correct, although not all American official speak in one voice. Maybe they were working on this plan to oust him in Germany?
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  • Civil War in Egypt? – Currently the protests are calming down as local want some normal life.
  • Civil War in Egypt?Hosni Mubarak Left Egypt? – The first rumor talked about Bahrain, and the second one spoke about Montenegro as a place of exile for Mubarak.
  • One leader of the Muslim brotherhood wants war with Israel – Mohammed Ghanem wants a war with Egypt’s eastern neighbor. This is the biggest fear regarding the Egyptian crisis.

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