Market Movers Episode #15: About Gold and Inflation, Scotland

Is gold really a hedge against inflation? In this episode we run down the correlation between the precious metal, inflation and QE. We then continue with the Scottish referendum that grabbed the headlines and finish up with a preview of the FOMC September meeting. Will this give the greenback the next push higher?

Welcome to a new episode of Market Movers, presented by Lior Cohen of Trading NRG and Yohay Elam of Forex Crunch.You are welcome to listen, subscribe and provide feedback.

The topics:

  1. Gold and inflation: When money loses value, the ancient precious metal gains value. But is this always true? We look back at distant and recent history to see how gold fared and analyze where it is headed in the near future.
  2. Scotland: The chances of a breakup of the United Kingdom has risen and the pound has fallen. We walk through the events, what’s priced in and how and what to expect from the big day.
  3. FOMC: After a break, Janet Yellen returns with a press conference. Is the recent data satisfying to enable a shift of gears and upgraded rate cut hints? Or will Yellen try not to rock the boat. This is the last taper before QE ends.

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A full launch of the show will happen in the weeks to come.

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