Chinese Yuan Keeps Up the Momentum on US Trade Truce

The  Chinese yuan is continuing to  post significant gains in  the  aftermath of  the  US-China trade truce. With trade hostilities suspended for  90 days, the  yuan is looking to  pare its steep losses, and  some analysts believe the  currency could become a  global heavyweight in  the  years to  come. Now if only the  economy would rally as  much as  the  yuan.

Over the  weekend, President Donald Trump and  President Xi Jinping sat down for  a  face-to-face meeting. While global markets were not expecting much of  anything to  happen, the  two powerful leaders agreed to  take a  break from trade tensions and  try to  make some concessions. As  a  result, the  US will not impose 15% hikes on  tariffs on  $200 billion worth of  Chinese goods, and  Beijing will reduce automobile tariffs and  acquire more agriculture.
Negotiators will now aim to  establish a  trade agreement by  the  end of  90 days. Investors are doubtful that it will happen as  global equities have crumbled. But the  yuan is not sharing the  same sentiment as  financial markets, which seem skeptical that the  world’s two biggest economies can etch out a  new trade pact.
But some analysts believe that the  yuan will experience a  resurgence in  the  next few years – with or  without a  trade deal with the  US. They argue that the  currency will play an  important global role as  the  nation permits greater foreign capital into the  country.
Chi Lo, senior economist for  Greater China at  BNP Paribas Asset Management in  Hong Kong, told CNBC:

So, if you look along that direction there’s no way the  yuan can be a  weak currency, otherwise people won’t accept it and  it cannot be a  global currency if it’s a  weak currency in  the  long term.

These remarks echoed the  sentiments of  HSBC, which presented the  case that capital account flows will likely have a  greater impact on  the  future of  the  yuan than international trade.
Meanwhile, in  the  days following the  big announcement, the  People’s Bank of  China (PBOC) reiterated its position that it will maintain a flexible monetary policy. Governor Yi Gang told that the  central bank needs to  employ a  â€œslow release of  air” and  adopt a  â€œsoft landing” once the  economy overheats or  asset price bubbles form.
The  USD/CNY currency pair declined 0.67% to  6.8371, from an  opening of  6.8834, at  15:40 GMT on  Tuesday. The  EUR/CNY fell 0.51% to  7.7687, from an  opening of  7.8089.

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