Japanese Yen Weakens As Tokyo Braces for US Trade Fight

The  Japanese yen is weakening against several major currency rivals at  the  end of  the  trading week. With a  potential US-Japan trade war on  the  horizon, investors are frightened that anticipations of  shrinking exports could lead to  an  economic contraction for  the  world’s third-largest economy. Can Tokyo turn things around before trade talks with Washington begin?

According to  a  new Reuters poll, Japanese exports are expected to have tumbled 2.7% in March, following a 1.2% drop in February. Imports are forecast to have advanced 2.6% last month, the first increase since December. This will result in a $3.3 billion trade surplus.
The  same survey estimates that consumer inflation is projected to  be flat in  March, causing great consternation at  the  Bank of  Japan (BOJ) because it is still far away from meeting its 2% target rate.
Earlier this week, the  International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its outlook for  several major economies. On  Thursday, speaking in  an  interview with Reuters, Odd Per Brekk, deputy director of  the  IMF’s Asia and  Pacific department, said Japan needs to  rely on  spending rather than depending on  the  BOJ. The  IMF also encourages Japan to  stop deferring its plans to  raise the  sales tax from 8% to  10%.

If you ask where the  policy space is, fiscal policy should be the  first line of  defense.

Japan shouldn’t defer on  the  consumption tax increase but if downside risks materialize, think about spending involving infrastructure and  social transfers.

The  BOJ may consider further clarifying the  link between interest rates and  inflation, which could help heighten inflation expectations.

With the  national economy sputtering along, Tokyo is about to  embark on  tense trade deliberations with the  US. Japan had been able to  delay talks for  the  two years, but bilateral trade discussions are back on  between President Donald Trump and  Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
While Abe has attempted to charm his way into minimizing any potential fallout from a trade spat with Trump, analysts do not think Japan will roll over and make concessions with the US. According to Ichiro Fujisaki, a former Japanese ambassador to the US:

It [is] the  US who asked for  these bilateral negotiations. So, it’s the  US who should put to  us what they want, rather than us offering this and  that before being asked.

The  talks should commence as  soon as  the  US-China trade war finishes.
The  USD/JPY currency pair rose 0.34% to  112.04, from an  opening of  111.66, at  16:47 GMT on  Friday. The  EUR/JPY climbed 0.8% to  126.55, from an  opening of  125.67.

If you have any questions, comments, or opinions regarding the Japanese Yen, feel free to post them using the commentary form below.

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