Euro Falls to 2-Week Lows on Dovish Draghi Speech and Weak Data

The euro today fell to new 2-week lows following Mario Draghi’s introductory speech at  the  ongoing ECB Forum in  Sintra, Portugal, which was interpreted as  being very dovish. The  EUR/USD currency pair was also weighed down by  macro releases from Germany and  the  euro area, which missed expectations.
The  EUR/USD currency pair today fell from a  daily high of  1.1242 to  a  low of  1.1180 after Draghi’s speech and  was near these lows at  the  time of  writing.
The  currency pair opened today’s session with a  bullish bias driven by  positive investor sentiment and  the  greenback’s weakness. The  pair started falling after the  release of  Mario Draghi‘s speech at 8:00 GMT. The European Central Bank President said that he was open to further rate cuts as part of monetary policy measures to stabilize the eurozone economy. He also added that the ECB was open to using further quantitative easing measures as  a  tool to  achieve the  bank’s inflation target. Draghi confirmed that the  ECB’s Governing Council would consider all options in  the  coming weeks to  determine the  best way forward.
The  release of  the  disappointing German ZEW survey of  economic sentiment for  June also drove the  pair lower as  the  survey expectations came in  -21.1 versus the  expected -5.9. The  release of  the  weak eurozone CPI data for  May by  Eurostat also contributed to  the  decline.
The  pair’s short-term performance is likely to  be influenced by  the  US housing data and  the  scheduled speeches at  the  ECB forum.
The  EUR/USD currency pair was trading at  1.1198 as  at  11:22 GMT having fallen from a  high of  1.1242. The  EUR/JPY currency pair was trading at  121.23 having dropped from a  high of  121.86.

If you have any questions, comments, or opinions regarding the Euro, feel free to post them using the commentary form below.

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