Russian Ruble Slumps on Weak Data, Geopolitical Risk

The  Russian ruble is slumping midweek after a  few pieces of  economic data disappointed investors. This comes one day after the  currency endured major swings on  reports of  a  possible military fallout between the  US, Russia, and  the  European Union following several events that appeared to  be isolated from one another.

Despite a  strong finish to  the  first quarter, the  nation’s manufacturing output has taken a  hit. The  IHS Markit Russia Manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) slumped to  48.6 in  June, down from 49.8 in  May. The  market projected the  index to  clock in  at  50.5. This represents the  lowest reading in  11 months and  the  first decline in  new business since August 2018. Anything under 50 indicates a  contraction.
Meanwhile, the  IHS Markit Russia Services PMI fell from 52.0 in  May to  49.7 in  June. This is the  first contraction in  services activity in  more than three years. The  disappointing read was driven by  a  decrease in  new orders and  employment sinking at  the  fastest pace since April 2016.
According to  the  Federal State Statistics Service, business confidence in  June remained the  same at  -1. It has not been in  positive territory since the  end of  2012 and  beginning of  2013.
On  Tuesday, the  geopolitical realm was buzzing on  huge developments that led to  a  lot of  speculation and  theories.
It started when Vice President Mike Pence canceled a  planned event in  New Hampshire to  talk about a  drug crisis. He was on  board the  plane, but he turned around and  went back to  the  White House. Soon after, President Vladimir Putin canceled his scheduled events to  meet with the  Defense Ministry over a  submarine fire that killed 14 sailors. Then, the  EU Political & Security Committee convened, which was followed by  a  joint statement from France, Germany, the  United Kingdom, and  the  European External Action Service. A  day later, Putin suspended the  nation’s participation in  the  Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with the  US, effective immediately.
It was unclear if financial markets were paying attention. The  Direxion Daily Russia Bear 3X Shares (RUSS) advanced 1.4%, but the  MOEX Russian Index ended the  session up 0.3%. The  ruble plunged against major currencies by  as  much as  1%.
Last month, the  Bank of  Russia cut its main interest rate by  25 basis points to  7.25%, signaling that it is ready to  make additional cuts.
The  USD/RUB rose 0.07% to  63.3561, from an  opening of  63.3098, at  17:53 GMT on  Wednesday. The  EUR/RUB edged up 0.01% to  71.4633, from an  opening of  71.4441.

If you have any questions, comments, or opinions regarding the Russian Ruble, feel free to post them using the commentary form below.

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