Euro Struggles to Rally Despite Upbeat Eurozone Inflation Data

The  euro today attempted to  rally against the  US dollar from the  Asian session but encountered massive resistance despite the  release of  upbeat euro area inflation data. The  EUR/USD currency pair could not muster enough momentum to  mount a  sustained rally as  each attempt was quickly countered by  a  retracement as  the  bears stepped in.
The  EUR/USD currency pair today rallied from a  low of  1.1200 in  the  early European session to  a  high of  1.1233 in  the  American session and  was trading near these highs at  the  time of  writing.
The  fiber opened today’s session with a  bullish bias and  struggled to  rally higher during the  Asian session before spiking lower in  the  early European session. The  pair’s drop was not triggered by  any fundamental releases and  could be attributed to  a  shift in  investor risk sentiment following Donald Trump‘s comments regarding the  US-China trade talks. The  pair rallied higher after the  speech by  European Central Bank member Benoit Coeure. The  currency pair extended its gains following the  release of  upbeat eurozone inflation data for  June by  Eurostat. The  headline CPI print came in  at  0.2%, while the  core print came in  at  0.4%; both prints beat consensus estimates by  0.1%.
The  currency pair extended its rally following the  release of  the  latest US housing starts and  building permits data by  the  Census Bureau, which missed expectations.
The  currency pair’s future performance is likely to  be affected by  US dollar dynamics given tomorrow’s empty European dockets.
The  EUR/USD currency pair was trading at  1.1224 as  at  17:26 GMT having risen from a  low of  1.1200. The  EUR/JPY currency pair was trading at  121.31 having fallen from a  high of  121.48.

If you have any questions, comments, or opinions regarding the Euro, feel free to post them using the commentary form below.

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