Euro Drops on Fears of Further Monetary Easing From the ECB

The euro today fell from its daily highs against the US dollar as markets reacted to news that the European Central Bank was considering a different approach to meet its inflation target. The EUR/USD currency pair later recovered given that the greenback was also under significant selling pressure as markets continue to price in a Fed rate cut on July 31.
The  EUR/USD currency pair today fell from a  session high of  1.1243 to  a  low of  1.1205 after the  ECB news before retracing most of  its losses.
The  currency pair opened today’s session trading with a  significant bullish bias given yesterday’s disappointing US housing data. The  pair was further supported by  declining US 10-year Treasury yields as  well as  market jitters regarding the  ongoing Sino-US trade war. However, the  single currency’s rally was limited by  the  lack of  any major releases from the  euro area. The  pair fell to  its daily lows follows reports that the  ECB was considering changing its current inflation goal of  below but close to  2% to  a  more symmetrical target. Investors interpreted the  development as  being a  gateway to  further quantitative easing programs by  the  ECB. The  pair’s fall was accelerated by  reports that the  Italian government could be toppled.
The  fiber recovered slightly despite the  release of  upbeat US initial jobless claims data and  the  Philadelphia Fed manufacturing survey for  July.
The  currency pair’s future performance is likely to  be affected by  tomorrow’s German PPI and  US consumer sentiment data.
The  EUR/USD currency pair was trading at  1.1224 as  at  17:16 GMT having recovered from a  low of  1.1205. The  EUR/JPY currency pair was trading at  121.06 having risen from a  low of  120.78.

If you have any questions, comments, or opinions regarding the Euro, feel free to post them using the commentary form below.

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