Pound Recovers As Boris Johnson Becomes PM, Capped by Bearish Data

The  British pound is rallying on  Tuesday after it was confirmed that former London Mayor Boris Johnson would become Britain’s new prime minister. In  addition to  a  higher pound, European markets appeared to  cheer on  the  pro-Brexit politician as  leading indexes recorded 1% gains. But that did not prevent disappointing data from capping the  currency’s ascent.

Shortly after Prime Minister Theresa May announced that she was stepping down, the  Conservative Party ran a  leadership a  race. In  the  end, Johnson overwhelmingly defeated his main Remain opponent, Jeremy Hunt, by  winning two-thirds of  the  votes in  a  ballot of  approximately 160,000 tory members. Johnson is expected to  receive the  keys to  10 Downing Street from May on  Wednesday.
Johnson delivered a  speech after nabbing the  nomination, promising to  give the  country Brexit, unite the  people, and  resoundingly defeat Labour in  May 2022.
He received congratulations from leaders all over the  world, including President Donald Trump, who tweeted:

Congratulations to  Boris Johnson on  becoming the  new Prime Minister of  the  United Kingdom. He will be great!

One of  the  biggest issues for  Johnson to  grapple with is Brexit. Michel Barnier, the  European Union’s chief Brexit negotiator, said that he is looking forward “to  working constructively” with the  new prime minister. But the  28-nation trade bloc has insisted that it will not renegotiate a  withdrawal agreement – the  initial one was repeatedly rejected in  the  House of  Commons. Johnson has conceded that if no new pact is agreed upon, then Britain will leave the  EU on  Halloween “come what may.”
On  the  data front, the  Confederation for  British Industry (CBI)’s Business Optimism Indicator for  the  UK slipped 19 points to  -32 in  the  third quarter of  2019, the  lowest reading since Q3 2016. The  measurement of  business confidence has not been in  positive territory since the  first quarter of  last year.
Also, the  CBI industrial trends orders fell 19 points to  -34 in  July, which represents the  lowest level since April 2010.
Britain enjoyed strong retail sales in  June, advancing 1% from the  previous month. The  numbers surprised markets because analysts had anticipated a  decline of  0.3%.
European financial markets soared on  Tuesday. The  FTSE advanced 0.87% and  the  FTSE MIB rose 0.96%.
The  USD/GBP currency pair rose 0.32% to  0.8041, from an  opening of  0.8015, at  13:55 on  Tuesday. The  GBP/EUR rose 0.18% to  1.1148, from an  opening of  1.1130.

If you have any questions, comments, or opinions regarding the Great Britain Pound, feel free to post them using the commentary form below.

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