Pound Hits Multi-Year Lows on Brexit Clash Between the UK and EU

The Sterling pound today fell against the US dollar as UK and European Union leaders exchanged words regarding the  reopening of  Brexit talks. The  GBP/USD currency pair was on  a  losing trend from most of  today’s session as  markets reacted to  the  heightened possibility of  a  no-deal Brexit.
The  GBP/USD currency pair today fell from an  opening high of  1.2459 to  a  low of  1.2376, a  level last seen in  Apri 2017, and  was near these levels at  the  time fo writing.
The  currency pair traded with a  bearish bias from the  open after the  UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson yesterday demanded that the  EU abolishes the  Irish backstop before reopening Brexit negotiations. The  EU President Jean-Claude Juncker responded tody that the  EU would not reopen Brexit talks and  that Johnson’s demands were unacceptable to  the  block. A  summary fo what the  prime minister discussed with German Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier today revealed that the  PM maintained the  position he had expressed during his House of  Commons speech on  Thursday. Investors are worried about the  increasing possibility of  a  hard Brexit.
The  pair’s fall was accelerated by  the  much stronger greenback as  tracked by  the  US Dollar Index, which posted gains of  0.30% to  hit a  high of  98.10. The  release of  the  upbeat US Q2 GDP data also contributed to  the  pair’s decline.
The currency pair’s performance over the upcoming weekend is likely to be affected by geopolitical events.
The  GBP/USD currency pair was trading at  1.2385 as  at  17:12 GMT having fallen from a  high of  1.2459. The  GBP/JPY currency pair was trading at  134.62 having dropped from a  high of  135.39.

If you have any questions, comments, or opinions regarding the Great Britain Pound, feel free to post them using the commentary form below.

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