Hezbollah / Israel Exchange Warnings on Lebanon Tensions

The situation in Lebanon is still tense towards the expected publication by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, investigating the murder of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. According to one unconfirmed report, it’s expected on Thursday, December 2nd, but other reports say it will happen until the end of the year.

In the meantime, Hasan Nasrallah, leader of Shiite Hezbollah, now suspected with organizing the murder, warned that Israel might start a war after the STL indictments. And in Israel, military chief Gabi Ashkenazi said that there’s a slim chance that this story will turn into a war, but mentioning it isn’t accidental. It was a warning.

Hezbollah now controls the Lebanese army as well, with everything overseen by Iran.

A full scale conflict in the Middle East will send oil prices sky rocketing, and will also boost the dollar and the yen.

Read more about the Lebanese tensions.

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