Chinese Yuan Rebounds After State Stimulus Injection

The  Chinese yuan is rebounding against a  basket of  currencies on  Tuesday after the  federal government injected tens of  billions of  dollars into the  national economy. Despite bearish forecasts and  tumbling Asian stocks, the  currency has strengthened, but it is still near a  multi-year low.

Beijing reduced the  amount of  cash that financial institutions are required to  maintain in  reserves. The  People’s Bank of  China (PBOC) slashed the  reserve requirement ratios (RRRs) by  1% to  cut financing costs for  large and  small commercial lenders that will go into effect October 15. The  injection of  cash will be equal to  $109.2 billion, a  move that is meant to  stimulate the  world’s second-largest economy and  offset the  negative effects of  higher US tariffs on  Chinese goods.
Xu Hongcai, deputy chief economist at  the  China Center for  International Economic Exchanges think tank, called the  move “very timely.”

The  trade war’s impact on  the  economy is showing. There is room for  further reductions and  I  expect another one percentage point cut by  the  year-end.

The  stimulus could not give Asian markets a  shot in  the  arm because stocks have fallen to  17-month lows. There could be two things: Investors realize that the  economy is in  worse shape than what officials will concede, or  they fear that the  International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s forecast are correct.
According to  the  IMF, Chinese gross domestic product (GDP) will be lower at  1.6% next year. It estimated that world growth will remain a  healthy 3.7%, but this was revised downwards by  0.2%.
This comes after an  IMF official told reporters at  the  IMF and  World Bank meetings in  Bali that he is not concerned that the  government cannot defend the  yuan.

They do have to  balance those actions against the  need to  achieve a  more stable financial sector, to  achieve more deleveraging, and  they have to  exert better control over local government financing. It’s definitely going to  be a  balancing act for  them.

The  Trump administration reiterated that it is keeping a  close eye on  the  yuan’s depreciation. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin stated that the  US government is monitoring the  situation and  will examine the  subject at  this week’s conference of  finance ministers in  Bali. Washington has repeatedly accused Beijing in  recent years of  weakening the  yuan to  boost exports and  undermine the  US economy.
Most experts agree that the  government has not artificially debased the  yuan. The  trade war has produced a  series of  consequences for  the  Chinese economy, leading to  a  slowdown in  manufacturing growth and  an  increase in  debt – both government and  household.
The  USD/CNY currency pair slid 0.11% to  6.9228, from an  opening of  6.9307, at  16:00 GMT on  Tuesday. The  EUR/CNY fell 0.18% to  7.9505, from an  opening of  7.9651.

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