Euro Hits Weekly Lows on Weak PMIs, Rallies on Draghi Speech, Later Declines

The  euro today fell to  new weekly lows in  the  early European session following the  release of  weak PMI prints from across the  eurozone by  IHS Markit. The  single currency later rebounded following the  announcement of  the  European Central Bank’s monetary policy decision and a balanced speech by  the  ECB Governor.
The  EUR/USD currency pair today fell from an  opening high of  1.1392 to  a  low of  1.1305 before rebounding shortly thereafter.
The  currency pair today headed lower from the  late Asian session amid a  risk averse market sentiment as  investors faced numerous global risks. The  eurozone services PMI, which came in  at  50.8 versus the  expected 51.5, drove the  pair lower as  did the  manufacturing PMI, which was recorded at  50.5 versus the  expected 51.4. The  announcement of  the  ECB Governing Council‘s monetary policy decision in  the  mid-European session triggered a  rebound by  the  pair. The  ECB left its bank rate decision at  0.00%, while the  marginal lending facility was maintained at  0.25% and  the  deposit rate was retained at  -0.40%. The  pair’s recovery was further boosted by  Mario Draghi‘s speech, which highlighted economic risks before turning slightly hawkish.
The  pair later headed lower after the  release of  the  US initial jobless claims data, which came in  at  199,000, a  level last recorded in  1969. The  release of  preliminary Markit US manufacturing and  services PMIs also surprisingly beat expectations triggering a  massive decline by  the  pair.
The  currency pair’s future performance is likely to  be driven by  geopolitical events and  tomorrow’s German IFO data.
The  EUR/USD currency pair was trading at  1.1297 as  at  18:05 GMT having dropped from a  high of  1.1392. The  EUR/JPY currency pair was trading at  123.88 having fallen from a  high of  124.90.

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