Euro Recovers From Yearly Lows on Trade Optimism and US Politics

The  euro today dropped to  new 2019 lows against the  US dollar in  the  early European session as  the  selling pressure on  the  single currency mounted. The  pair reversed its losses later in  the  session as  investor sentiment shifted and  the  US dollar gave up some of  its earlier gains.
The  EUR/USD currency pair today fell to  a new yearly low of  1.1257 before rallying higher and  hitting a  daily high of  1.1303 driven largely by  changing investor sentiment.
The  currency pair’s initial decline was triggered by  a  risk-off sentiment as  investors adopted a  wait and  see approach towards the  riskier euro. The  ongoing trade negotiations between the  Chinese and  US delegations in Beijing also contributed to  the  risk-off sentiment. Analysts at  Australia’s Westpac Bank released a  report highlighting the  fact that the  EUR/USD currency pair was at  the  lower end of  a  range that has been in  place since October 2018, which suggested that a  bounce was quite likely. They pointed at  the  recent weak eurozone GDP data released by  Eurostat as  one of  the  reasons for  the  latest decline.
The  pair rallied higher shortly after hitting the  yearly lows as  markets priced-in the  likelihood of  a  US-China trade deal and  the  aversion of  another US government shutdown. The  weak US NFIB small business confidence index also contributed to  the  rally.
The  currency pair’s short-term performance is likely to  be affected by  Jerome Powell‘s speech later today, tomorrow’s eurozone industrial production report, and  the  US CPI data.
The  EUR/USD currency pair was trading at  1.1297 as  at  15:55 GMT having risen from a  low of  1.1257. The  EUR/JPY currency pair was trading at  124.82 having rallied from a  low of  124.44.

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feel free to post them using the commentary form below.

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