Chinese Yuan Flat As PBoC Pumps $56 Billion Liquidity for SMEs

The  Chinese yuan is trading relatively flat to  kick off the  holiday-shortened trading week. China continued to  employ monetary policy measures to  resuscitate the  world’s second-largest economy in  the  coronavirus fallout. One mechanism Beijing is utilizing to  spur business activity is bank lending, offering credit to  businesses – large and  small. Will it be enough for  companies to  borrow and  restart operations?

The  People’s Bank of  China (PBoC) recently announced it is cutting the  reserve requirement ratio (RRR) for  the  second time in  less than a  month. The  central bank confirmed on  its website that it will reduce the  RRR for  small banks by  100 basis points in  two steps: one on  April 15 and  the  other on  May 15. The  latest move would decrease the  RRR for  the  roughly 4,000 small- and  medium-sized banks to  6%.
By  lowering the  RRR – how much banks are required to  hold in  reserves – Beijing injects $56.38 billion in  liquidity.
In  a  separate move, the  PBoC lowered the  interest rate on  banks’ excess reserves with the  central bank from 0.72% to  0.35%. This would come into effect on  April 7. This comes a  week after it cut the rate on its seven-day reverse repurchasing agreement by 20 basis points from 2.40% to 2.20%, which injects $7.1 billion into the  banking system.
A  recent Caixin survey found that a  lot of  small and  privately-owned companies with less cash on  hand are having a  difficult time returning to  normal. Many of  these smaller businesses, especially those involved in  the  services sector, are cutting jobs at  the  fastest rate in  15 years. Since China has a  track record of  forcing large, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to  absorb small businesses, will Beijing choose to  bail out these firms, even if they have been zombified?
Meanwhile, the  PBoC warned that the  global economy could slip into a  second Great Depression as  a  result of  the  COVID-19 pandemic. Although experts say that the  chances of  a  repeat of  the  1930s are low, the  PBoC believes it should not be ruled out.
Zhu Jun, director of  the  international department at  the  PBoC, said in  a  statement:

The  possibility of  a  â€˜Great Depression’ cannot be ruled out if the  epidemic continues to  run out of  control, and  the  deterioration of  the  real economy is compounded by  an  eruption of  financial risks.

Jamie Dimon, the  CEO of  JPMorgan Chase, believes the  economy is in  for  a  â€œbad recession” plus “financial stress” comparable to  the  2008 financial crisis. He wrote in  his annual letter to  shareholders:

We don’t know exactly what the  future will hold — but at  a  minimum, we assume that it will include a  bad recession combined with some kind of  financial stress similar to  the  global financial crisis of  2008. Our bank cannot be immune  to  the  effects of  this kind of  stress.

The  USD/CNY currency pair was unchanged at  7.0923. The  EUR/CNY rose 0.1% to  7.6721, from an  opening of  7.6643, at  13:46 GMT on  Monday.

If you have any questions, comments, or opinions regarding the Chinese Yuan, feel free to post them using the commentary form below.

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