Swiss Franc Grows against Euro

The appeal for the stock markets declined and the low-yielding assets became more attractive, boosting the demand for the Swiss franc against the Euro for a second day, today. Despite the fact that the Swiss National Bank is going to intervene into the currency market in order to keep the currency appreciation down, the franc in its growth rate goes just … “Swiss Franc Grows against Euro”

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SGD Up as Traders not Sure in Policy Change

The Singapore dollar gained against the U.S. dollar for the second day today as the traders reduced their bets that the monetary authorities are going to use the currency depreciation to stimulate the economy. The market participants pushed the Singapore’s dollar up before the government reports on its stimulus package in the new budget. The fight with the recession may continue without … “SGD Up as Traders not Sure in Policy Change”

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Pound Hits New Record Low vs. Yen

The British pound fell to the record low level against the Japanese yen and declined significantly against the other major currencies today as the market participants are concerned that the U.K. recession will continue deepening and the Bank of England will have to reduce the rates further. The pound declined to the lowest level against the U.S. dollar since June … “Pound Hits New Record Low vs. Yen”

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There is a currency that always goes up

Stock markets go up and down. During these troubled times of a global economic crisis, stocks are tumbling down. Even on the day of Obama’s inauguration, stocks went down. In the Forex market, trading is in currency pairs – which means that when a currency weakens, it loses ground to another currency. So, there’s always … “There is a currency that always goes up”

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Yen Breaks Through Record High vs. Pound

The Japanese yen remains the newsmaker amidst the global financial crisis as it reaches the all-time high levels against the British pound and is outperforming the high-yielding currencies. After more bad news came out from the banks of the United Kingdom (record high losses of Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc.), the pound weakened significantly as the government will probably have to pour … “Yen Breaks Through Record High vs. Pound”

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Emerging Markets Less Attractive, Yen Rises

The Japanese yen rose today against the U.S. dollar and recovered the gap-losses against the euro and the pound after the Russia’s central bank devalued the national currency again, reducing the attractiveness of the emerging markets. After two days of decline against the major currencies, the yen is currently posting a daily growth even after the strong negative weekly opening … “Emerging Markets Less Attractive, Yen Rises”

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Obama Inauguration and Forex Trading

In three days from now, Barack Obama will be inaugurated as the 44th president of the USA. The new American administration will definitely make a big change in economic policy and will also affect Forex Trading. Obama’s election, after almost two years of campaigning, was a historic one: he’s the first black president. Obama’s victory … “Obama Inauguration and Forex Trading”

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Pound Gains against Euro

The British pound rose against the euro today along with some other major currencies as the euro suffers from the trade balance deficit, while the traders long for some high-yielding European currency, which the pound still is. Eurostat agency reported that the November 2008 trade balance deficit of the European Union countries was at €7 billion compared to €2.3 billion surplus in November … “Pound Gains against Euro”

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Yen Grows on Stocks Slump and Bad Reports

The Japanese yen continued to advance today against the dollar, the euro and the British pound as the the other major currency pair are stuck in the neutral zone before the ECB rate announcement. The yen gained for the three out of four days of the current week as the stock markets declined in all the world’s regions and fell sharply in Asia today. … “Yen Grows on Stocks Slump and Bad Reports”

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ECB Rate Decision – A non event

Today, the European Central Bank will make a decision about the interest rate in the Eurozone. This is supposedly the biggest event this week, after last week’s Non Farm Payrolls in the US. Most economists and analysts are expecting a half a percent cut, from 2.5% to to 2%.  But Jean Claude Trichet and his friends … “ECB Rate Decision – A non event”

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