How Saving Money Can Be So Mentally Satisfying

How Saving Money Can Be So Mentally Satisfying May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a month where not only do people look at depression, anxiety, and other ailments, but also look at how one can improve his or her own mental health. One way you can do so is to save money. They say money … “How Saving Money Can Be So Mentally Satisfying”

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4 Ways to Diversify your Investment Portfolio

4 Ways to Diversify your Investment Portfolio Jean-Jacques Rousseau; once said that happiness is “a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion”. You’ll notice that all 3 of these relate to financial freedom. To get you started on the road to a happy life, we take a look at how you too, … “4 Ways to Diversify your Investment Portfolio”

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Will Bad Credit Affect Bridging Loan Approval?

Will Bad Credit Affect Bridging Loan Approval? Bad credit has the potential to make anyone’s financial life surprisingly complicated. Nevertheless, there are credit facilities available that don’t take credit scores into account. Or at least, instances where credit ratings are not considered principle lending criteria. But is it possible to successfully arrange a bridging loan … “Will Bad Credit Affect Bridging Loan Approval?”

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Three Effective Rules to Trade the major Trend Line

Three Effective Rules to Trade the major Trend Line Everyone knows a trend trading strategy is the most effective way to make money online. Being a rookie trader, it will be very hard to ride the market trend. Unless you learn the technical, fundamental and sentiment analysis of this market you can’t ride the trend. … “Three Effective Rules to Trade the major Trend Line”

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Who DOESN’T Want to Retire Early?

Who DOESN’T Want to Retire Early? The F.I.R.E retirement plan, is it is a good plan or the equivalent to “throwing it on a number” at a Vegas casino?  A personal finance trend called F.I.R.E. is gaining ground among some young investors.  F.I.R.E. stands for “Financial Independence Retire Early.” Some young investors believe that by … “Who DOESN’T Want to Retire Early?”

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