3 reasons why GBP/USD can fall from here

Cable topped 1.50 after a second voting day poll showed an even bigger victory and as The Sun conceded. This joined a first poll and talk (later denied) that Nigel Farage conceded defeat. Also initial turnout figures seem to be supportive for the Remain camp. But things may not be that positive for the pound,. Here are 3 … “3 reasons why GBP/USD can fall from here”

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EU Referendum Preview: Positioning, Scenarios and Key Results Releases

Brexit or Bremain? This is a question the whole world is asking. If Brits vote to remain in the EU, we could witness a relief rally in the pound, euro, other risk currencies and stock markets. If Brits want out, the pound could plunge, the euro will follow and so will stocks. In addition, it could be … “EU Referendum Preview: Positioning, Scenarios and Key Results Releases”

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USD/JPY: Trading the US New Home Sales

US New Home Sales indicator is released monthly, and provides analysts with important data the health and direction of the housing sector. A higher reading than the market prediction is bullish for the dollar. Here are all the details, and 5 possible outcomes for USD/JPY. Published on Wednesday at 14:00 GMT. Indicator Background US New … “USD/JPY: Trading the US New Home Sales”

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GBP, JPY: Expected Trading Targets On A Leave / Remain

The Brexit / Bremain vote is upon us, with wide ranging implications. Here are the expected moves according to BTMU: Here is their view, courtesy of eFXnews: The opinion polls that had a clear momentum in favour of ‘Leave’ over recent weeks have indicated a shift with weekend opinion polls showing support has shifted back in favour of … “GBP, JPY: Expected Trading Targets On A Leave / Remain”

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EUR/USD, USD/JPY: Targets On Brexit – BofA Merrill

While most of the Brexit focus is on the pound, the euro gets carried away with Brexit talk and the yen is a safe haven currency. Here is the potential impact according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch: Here is their view, courtesy of eFXnews: We expect both GBP/USD and GBP/JPY to be the major … “EUR/USD, USD/JPY: Targets On Brexit – BofA Merrill”

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USD/CAD: Trading the US Crude Oil Invetories

US Crude Oil Inventories measures the change in the number of crude barrels held in inventory. The report is published each week. A reading which is higher than the market forecast is bullish for USD/CAD. Here are all the details, and 5 possible outcomes for USD/CAD. Published on Wednesday at 14:30 GMT. Indicator Background As Canada … “USD/CAD: Trading the US Crude Oil Invetories”

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EUR/USD: Parity on Brexit; Still 1.10-1.15 on Bremain –

The pound is not alone in its reactions to the British EU Referendum. After all, it’s the EU and the euro-zone at stake here. The team at NAB have clear opinions on the potential outcomes: Here is their view, courtesy of eFXnews: EUR to quickly follow GBP lower on Brexit: While market focus has been … “EUR/USD: Parity on Brexit; Still 1.10-1.15 on Bremain –”

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British Referendum on EU membership: What is Ultimately at

British voters face a historic and critical choice about the future of the United Kingdom and the European Union on Thursday June 23. Great Britain will organize a referendum where its citizens have the ability to answer whether the United Kingdom should remain a member of the European Union or whether the U.K. should leave … “British Referendum on EU membership: What is Ultimately at”

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