EUR/USD Risk/Reward: What’s Behind The Squeeze? – Credit Suisse

EUR/USD is experiencing significant jitters in recent decent, moving on Greece, monetary policy divergence and many other factors. What’s behind the squeeze? The team at Credit Suisse explains with 3 charts: Here is their view, courtesy of eFXnews: In its weekly FX note to clients, Credit Suisse discuses the drivers behind the ongoing squeeze in … “EUR/USD Risk/Reward: What’s Behind The Squeeze? – Credit Suisse”

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Merkel Blinks on Greece – Germany’s turn to lose 7:1

As the clock is ticking, it seems that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is willing to make a significant compromise, at least in order to push back the deadline for now. This also comes as outflows from Greek banks intensify, and the ECB is experiencing increased exposure. According to reports, Germany is willing to accept only one … “Merkel Blinks on Greece – Germany’s turn to lose 7:1”

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AUD/USD: Trading the Australian jobs Jun 2015

Australian Employment Change, which is released monthly, provides a snapshot of the health of the Australian labor market. A reading which is higher than the market forecast is bullish for the Australian dollar. Here are the details and 5 possible outcomes for AUD/USD. Published on Thursday at 1:30 GMT. Indicator Background Job creation is one … “AUD/USD: Trading the Australian jobs Jun 2015”

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US Wage Growth Accelerates to 3.3% – Highest In 6

Is the elusive US wage growth already here? First we had evidence from the Employment Cost Index and Labor Unit Costs. Then, we finally saw a tick up in the NFP’s Average Hourly Earnings, that broke out of range and showed +2.3% y/y in May. New data from the Atlanta Fed, that recently came to light … “US Wage Growth Accelerates to 3.3% – Highest In 6”

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USD/JPY: Trading the US JOLTS Jobs Openings

JOLTS Job Openings measures the number of employment openings each month, excluding the farm industry. A reading which is higher than the market forecast is bullish for the dollar. Update: US JOLTs leap to 5.376 million Here are the details and 5 possible outcomes for USD/JPYUSD/JPY Published on Tuesday at 14:00 GMT. Indicator Background Employment releases are among … “USD/JPY: Trading the US JOLTS Jobs Openings”

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Japanese GDP surges – will this stop the BOJ?

The final GDP report for Q1 showed that the Japanese economy economy grew by 1% q/q, much better than 0.6% originally reported. Year over year, a solid rate of 3.9% was printed, far better than 2.8% predicted. The strong growth rate is certainly encouraging for the Japanese economy but does not go hand in hand with the … “Japanese GDP surges – will this stop the BOJ?”

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Why EUR rallied on Draghi, and what’s next – MM #53

cussing the forex industry’s hot story about Plus 500 and preview next week’s events. You are welcome to listen, subscribe and provide feedback. EUR after the ECB: Draghi tried to avoid any excitement. His security detail prevented another confetti incident but his words certainly shook markets. What did he say or didn’t say that triggered this? We discuss … “Why EUR rallied on Draghi, and what’s next – MM #53”

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3 positive takes on the NFP and 3 reasons NOT

The US Non-Farm Payrolls report was a blockbuster, and not only in the headline. It’s been a while seen we’ve seen something so convincing. Here are 3 positive takes from the report, which certainly justify the dollar rally that followed. But is it enough for June? Probably not. Here are three reasons for the Fed to … “3 positive takes on the NFP and 3 reasons NOT”

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6 Reasons To Fade EUR/USD Strength – BNPP

EUR/USD certainly had a wild ride of around 400 pips before stabilizing on high ground. Nevertheless, the team at BNP Panibas calls us to fade the strength and provides 6 reasons: Here is their view, courtesy of eFXnews: BNP Paribas exited its latest short EUR/USD position this week following the market’s response to the ECB’s … “6 Reasons To Fade EUR/USD Strength – BNPP”

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EUR/USD Trading the US Non-Farm Payrolls

US Nonfarm Employment Change measures the change in the number of newly employed people in the US, excluding workers in the farming industry. A reading which is higher than the market forecast is bullish for the dollar. Here are the details and 5 possible outcomes for EUR/USD. Update: Non-Farm Payrolls: +280K – USD surges Published on Friday … “EUR/USD Trading the US Non-Farm Payrolls”

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