As Fear Fades, Commodity Currencies Rightfully Gain

The Greek crisis is unwinding slowly – too slow for the Euro. But far away from Europe, a sigh of relief is heard: The Australian, New Zealand and Canadian dollar are advancing nicely. Eventually there will be a solution to the long Greek crisis. It can be with German help, IMF funds or some other kind … “As Fear Fades, Commodity Currencies Rightfully Gain”

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GBP/USD – Trend lines on a Collision Course

The Pound is trading in a narrow range, and it’s getting narrower. The trend lines are about to collide – meaning that an explosion is underway. There are a few upcoming events that will determine the direction of explosion. GBP/USD is bound by two trend lines that aren’t parallel. Using the hourly chart, I’ve drawn … “GBP/USD – Trend lines on a Collision Course”

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EUR/CHF – Wild Fridays – Courtesy of the Bank

The Swiss central bank has increased its interventions in the markets in an attempt to weaken the Swiss Franc. The moves are seen best against the Euro. Here is how it looks on the graph + a few characteristics of these moves. Click to enlarge. Remember that interventions are short lived. Observing the graph of … “EUR/CHF – Wild Fridays – Courtesy of the Bank”

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Forex book review: Making Sense of the Dollar

Guest Post by John Forman John Forman is a Forex author and expert. He is the Senior Foreign Exchange Analyst for the IFR Markets group of Thomson Reuters and frequent blog poster on You may be familiar with Marc Chandler from appearances on CNBC and/or reading articles he’s published in a number of venues. … “Forex book review: Making Sense of the Dollar”

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Thomson Reuters Widgets on Currensee

Just last week I’ve introduced the Tweet My Trades feature, and there’s already a new and interesting announcement: 3 widgets from Thomson Reuters are now available to Currensee members. The 3 new widgets can be purchased by Currensee members, and they offer information. Trading Desk contains trading ideas with stop loss and take profit points … “Thomson Reuters Widgets on Currensee”

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