FOMC Statement Impact – One Week After

A week ago, the FOMC released a stunning statement, that meant printing $1 trillion dollars. This shocked the forex markets, and sent the dollar down. Some called it a death sentence for the greenback. One week after, let’s review where the buck is going. On Wednesday, Match 18th, the Federal Open Market Committee released its … “FOMC Statement Impact – One Week After”

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Aussie Settling Above 0.7000

AUD/USD encountered short term resistance on the psychological 0.70 level, but with the help of Philip Lowe, RBA assistant governor, it now trades above this level, looking up to major resistance. AUD/USD, one of my favorite currency pairs, began the forex trading week with a weekend gap of about 60 pips. During the Asian and European … “Aussie Settling Above 0.7000”

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Toxic Asset Plan – Toxic for the Dollar

Timothy Geithner is due to present the plan to relieve US banks from toxic assets. While this is intended to be a Public-Private plan, funding this scheme may, yet again, result in printing US dollars – sending the greenback down. It already happens now, before the announcement. US Secretary of Treasury, Timothy Geithner, is due … “Toxic Asset Plan – Toxic for the Dollar”

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Forex War – Will Europe Join?

In this deep economic crisis, everyone wants a weak currency. Europe’s export-oriented economy is suffering from a strong currency, especially after the moves from Switzerland and from America. Will they stay on the sidelines or intervene? The Japanese economy is export based, and has significantly suffered from the global economic crisis. A strong currency is … “Forex War – Will Europe Join?”

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EUR/GBP Bounced on Resistance Line

EUR/GBP tested the 0.95 resistance line and bounced back down. This came on the background of falling Industrial Production in Europe and stablization of the dollar selling. EUR/GBP tried breaching the 0.95 resistance line, which was the high point in the end of December. The EUR/GBP reached a high of 0.9475 before retracting significantly back to … “EUR/GBP Bounced on Resistance Line”

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Aussie Reached Initial Target – Resting Before Next Move

AUD/USD continues it’s march upwards, breaking the 0.68 resistance line. It rose on the wave of massive dollar selling that began with the shocking FOMC statement yesterday. The next resistance line is much stronger for the Aussie. AUD/USD was trading in a narrowing channel for a very long time. Downtrend resistance and uptrend support were … “Aussie Reached Initial Target – Resting Before Next Move”

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