GBP/AUD Short – Forex Trade for the new year

The GBP/AUD currency pair isn’t one of the popular crosses on the board. It doesn’t appear by default on forex charts on major sites. This forex trading option looks currently very lucrative. Both fundamental analysis for this currency pair and technical analysis support going short, on what looks like a serious move.  GBP/AUD Technical Analysis … “GBP/AUD Short – Forex Trade for the new year”

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Yen expected to dive following the Budget Proposal

The Japanese government revealed the new budget that is planned for the next fiscal year. It features an increase of 6.6% to 88.5 trillion Yen – about 990 billion dollars 0 the highest budget ever. This move contradicts the government’s long term effort to reduce the budget and to reach a balanced budget by 2011. … “Yen expected to dive following the Budget Proposal”

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Deteriorating oil prices should weaken Yen

The Japanese Yen has gained a lot of ground in the past few months. The Yen became stronger when the US dollar lost ground to other currencies, and got even stronger when the dollar strengthened against these currencies. Currently, 1 US dollar is worth only 92.71 Yen. This valuation is at a very low point … “Deteriorating oil prices should weaken Yen”

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How Low can Interest Rates Go?

The Federal Reserve has already lowered the interest rate to 1%. This is the lowest ever interest rate. Bernanke is following the footsteps of his predecessor, Greenspan, in an effort to stimulate the economy. In the current global crisis, which is definitely the biggest since the great depression, these low interest rates don’t seem to … “How Low can Interest Rates Go?”

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